Tulsa Pools : Feel Comfortable
Cody Albright: Welcome to the Dive Time Show. I am your host, Cody Albright, and with me as always is Rachel.
Rachel Albright: Hi.
Cody Albright: My wife, who I just freaked out with my loud voice. Tulsa Pools And together we are the owners of Sierra Pools & Spas of Tulsa, and we have this website, sierrapoolsandspas.com. So if you want to check that out, we would really appreciate it, and see what we have to offer you. Also, you can give us a phone call at 918-884-8427. Again, that’s 918-884-8427. All right, so today we have one of my favorite topics of pools.
Rachel Albright: This is your favorite topic?
Cody Albright: Yeah, absolutely.
Rachel Albright: Okay.
Cody Albright: Every one’s my favorite topic. I just love them so much. Okay, so today we’re gonna be talking about the perfect, and I mean the absolute perfect temperature for your Tulsa pools. No one likes to be uncomfortable, and so hopefully this podcast you’ll get a little bit more knowledge about your swimming pool temperature, so you are more comfortable, and what the right temperature that you like.
Rachel Albright: Yeah, not only is temperature a matter of comfort, but there can also be serious health concerns on both sides of the spectrum. So if your pool is too cold, there’s health issues that can arise, and if your pool is too hot, there’s also health issues that can arise. So we’re gonna talk about both those things, and what’s the right temperature, what’s the best temperature. ‘Cause yeah, nobody likes to be uncomfortable. You know, the whole point of your pool for most people is relaxation and refreshment, and so if it’s too hot, you’re not getting refreshed. If it’s too cold, you’re not relaxed. So we want to find that perfect medium, that happy medium. But first we’ll talk about when the pool is too hot. It can be a real danger and a real issue. Actually in the 2012 Olympics in London, the summer heat in London actually caused the temperature inside, where they were holding the Olympic pool events, inside the temperature reached 90 degrees, which was really hot. However, the Olympic swimmers really didn’t seem to worry too much. They kind of shrugged it off. You had Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, and Tyler Clary. They kind of all took the temperature shift in stride Tulsa Pools.
And actually, for speed swimming, slightly warmer temperatures are optimal. Did you have a question?
Cody Albright: No, no. You’re fine. Go on.
Rachel Albright: Okay, so actually for speed swimming, they like the water to be a little bit warmer than normal. Olympic racing events actually mandate a water temperature between 77 and 82 degrees fahrenheit, whereas synchronized swimming actually requires an 81 degree fahrenheit pool, which is interesting. Tulsa Pools I find it interesting that there’s certain degrees that the pool water has to be. And then for diving, the temperature is set to 79 degrees.
Cody Albright: Interesting.
Rachel Albright: I find that a little bit interesting.
Cody Albright: I wonder if you pee in it, if that changes the temperature?
Rachel Albright: That’s disgusting. We talked about that already. You don’t wanna do that, it’s gross.
Cody Albright: You don’t want pee in your pool?
Rachel Albright: No.
Cody Albright: Is that what you’re saying Tulsa Pools?
Rachel Albright: It’s gross.
Cody Albright: Okay.
Rachel Albright: So the reason why they like the pool temperatures to be warmer for these events is that it allows the athletes bodies to perform at maximum endurance without causing shocks to your system. So Doctor Kenneth Kamler, a sports medicine expert, told CNN that if the water temperature is too hot, the trapping of body heat can cause muscle spasms which in turn can be fatal as the swimmer doesn’t always realize this overexertion is occurring. So that’s why they really make sure that the water temperature is at the correct degree, because it can prove fatal, and unfortunately this happened in 2010. A U.S. nat-
Cody Albright: Fortunately, or unfortunately?
Rachel Albright: … I said unfortunately.
Cody Albright: Oh, okay, just-
Rachel Albright: And unfortunately this happened in 2010. So there was a U.S. national team swimmer, Fan, Fran, sorry, Fran Crippen died because the water was too hot. Officially the water was 84 degrees, but many swimmers said it felt hotter than that, and many swimmers complained of disorientation and even swollen limbs. Tulsa Pools Three other swimmers were hospitalized. Doctor Michael Bergeron told CBS news that the temperature surrounding a swimmer has a lot to do with body heat dispersion. So although the medical field has done a lot of research on cold water exertion limits, not a lot has been done on the impact of hot water on athletes. So it can be very dangerous and can prove fatal, so you definitely wanna make sure you’re maintaining your water temperature, especially if you’re gonna be doing any kind of aerobic exercise in your water.
Now on the opposite side of the spectrum, we can talk about when your pool is too cold, and there’s also some health issues that can arise if your water temperature is too cold. Again, they’ve done this research on athletes. Although, you know, you’ve heard of the Polar Bear Club? We had one at church camp.
Cody Albright: Nah, I don’t remember.
Rachel Albright: Did you ever, you never did that, church camp?
Cody Albright: Nope, didn’t do it. Maybe I did, but I don’t remember it.
Rachel Albright: Well, at our church camp, you’d get up at like six in the morning-
Cody Albright: Oh, okay.
Rachel Albright: … and you would go and you’d just in the swimming pool, or you’d jump in the lake.
Cody Albright: Yeah, absolutely.
Rachel Albright: And then-
Cody Albright: I was never … I had no ambition to do that.
Rachel Albright: Yeah, me neither. I think I did it like one time, and I was like, “Nope, that’s stupid.”
Cody Albright: I don’t know why people thought that was cool. That was like, I mean, why would you wanna do that?
Rachel Albright: Well, some people say that swimming in cold water can burn more fat than swimming in a temperate water or hot water, but this research is really inconclusive. Your body does work a little bit harder to maintain your temperature when you’re in cold water, but the myth that it burns more fat stems from the fact that you burn calories when drinking cold water. But those calories don’t necessarily equal fat burn, so it’s really inconclusive.
Cody Albright: Remember that time when we wanted to go swimming that … I don’t know when it was, but it was you, and it was me Tulsa Pools-
Rachel Albright: It’s like last year.
Cody Albright: … and then it was your brother, and then [Naysa 00:07:16], so Tanner and [Naysa 00:07:15].
Rachel Albright: It was last year, wasn’t it?
Cody Albright: I don’t remember. But we went … what happened? We were trying to find somewhere to swim, we end up trying to go to the lake or something, and then-
Rachel Albright: No, it flooded.
Cody Albright: … it was flooded.
Rachel Albright: Everything was flooded ’cause we had had major rainstorms, and all the lakes were flooded, and you couldn’t get to any lake, and we-
Cody Albright: But then, didn’t we go to my aunt’s, and her water was so cold, though, and it wasn’t even worth it? Tulsa Pools But somehow you still got your head under water.
Rachel Albright: Yeah, it was pretty cold.
Cody Albright: Remember their chemical level was incorrect and your hair turned green. Was that that same time, or was that a different time?
Rachel Albright: It was before Tanner and [Naysa’s 00:07:51] wedding, or something.
Cody Albright: Yeah, because, I remember it because [Naysa 00:07:56]-
Rachel Albright: I don’t remember, there were multiple times.
Cody Albright: Yeah, because she had to redo her hair because her wedding was the next week or something, that we tried it, we all went swimming.
Rachel Albright: Yeah.
Cody Albright: But there was another time when the water was too cold, and it was just pointless of going. Maybe that was some-
Rachel Albright: That was just me and you.
Cody Albright: That was just me and you?
Rachel Albright: Yeah.
Cody Albright: Yeah, that wasn’t even fun. Didn’t like that at all.
Rachel Albright: Yeah, so cold water can be really uncomfortable, but again, it can also cause some serious health concerns. Your body has a fight or flight reaction to cold water. Professor Mike Tipton of the University of Portsmouth told CNN that the invigorating feeling you get in your body is shock, and it can cause irregular heart rhythms in healthy people, and actually cardiac arrest in people with heart problems. So, cold water can be very dangerous. Your blood vessels will try to constrict as your body tries to keep its organs warm, and that also causes many people to gasp and then inhale water in an attempt to deal with the freezing surroundings. Then that can obviously lead to drowning. This can occur in water that’s below 70 degrees.
Cody Albright: You know what? I had a friend that had a water bed and it had to have a heater on it because the water would get too cold, and I guess that’s not good for you. You have the heater on every night or something to warm the water so you’re not … I think it drains your energy more or something like that.
Rachel Albright: Yeah.
Cody Albright: Just interesting that you’d say that.
Rachel Albright: For anybody that’s been white water rafting in Colorado, especially in the beginning of summer, you know how cold water can just take your breath away. I’ve been white water rafting several times and at one point they’ll let you get out of the raft into the river, and that water is freezing. It’s like 50 degrees, it’s really, really cold. Maybe not that cold, I might be exaggerating.
Cody Albright: Man, that’s cold.
Rachel Albright: Maybe like 60 degrees.
Cody Albright: I don’t know, it could be.
Rachel Albright: Yeah, when you jump in, it’s literally like you do, you gasp, it’s just that cold.
Cody Albright: Never experienced that, no.
Rachel Albright: Usually, they’ll usually just let out and then you’re wanting immediately back in the boat. So yeah, cold water can definitely be dangerous. So what is the perfect pool temperature? When is it just right? Some people, there’s a varying range of optimal temperatures, and it can vary based on whether you’re doing active aerobic exercise or if you’re just hanging out. But the good news is that we can usually adapt to different temperatures very quickly. As far as the perfect temperature, not too hot, not too cold. The range is somewhere between 77 and 82 degrees fahrenheit, so that’s right in the middle, not too hot, not too cold. That’s gonna be somewhere in there, based on your personal preference, is gonna be the perfect pool temperature Tulsa Pools.
Cody Albright: Is that it?
Rachel Albright: That’s it.
Cody Albright: That’s all we got? That’s pretty good. Yep, well, thanks for listening divers. Yeah, so that’s a little bit about the perfect temperature for your Tulsa swimming pool. And how do you get a swimming pool? Well, I’m gonna tell you. Here at Sierra Pools & Spas, we would love to build you a pool. We’d love to build you a swimming pool, a spa, your backyard, anything you want in your backyard we can do it. Outdoor kitchen, just you name it and we can do it, and we would love to do it for you. We have a website, sierrapoolsandspas.com, check that out. You can contact us through that, it’s got our phone number, or you can message us through there. You know, all that good jazz. Hey, we’ll talk to you next time. As always, I’m Cody Tulsa Pools-
Rachel Albright: And I’m Rachel.
Cody Albright: … and we’ll see you next time.
Rachel Albright: Bye.
Cody Albright: Bye.